Back in August 2000, a priest
was explaining how a Christian Nation could also be a Police State…
It was rather late when Sara and I slipped into the
Sunday morning service at St Ignominious. The congregation was just beginning
the Lord’s Prayer ...
Our Christian
Nation, which art in Zambia,
be thy name;
terror come
To us in
Lusaka, as it is in Jerusalem.
Save us
each day from daily dread,
forgive our legislators,
As we
forgive those who legislate against us;
us from the Secret Police,
deliver us from evil.
By now Father Mupulumpunshi was already in the pulpit,
ready to begin one of his meandering sermons ...
‘As we sit here this morning in the Church of the Most
Magnificent Deity, many of you have been asking yourselves whether things have
really changed for the better since we became a Christian Nation. Do we have
Good Governance? Do we have God’s Governance?
‘Look into your soul, and ask yourself honestly. Was
your faith shaken when you turned on your radio this morning, and heard that
armed police had invaded the house of Bululu Mwila? Admit a small sinful
thought! Did you not say to yourself that it reminded you of the Mad Munshumfwa’s
Dictatorship, rather than the Good Governance of God?
But I say to you,’ he cried, raising his arms to
Heaven, ‘where is your faith? Where is your loyalty? Who are we, as mere
mortals, to question the Most Magnificient Deity?
‘I know what you thought!’ he trumpeted, ‘when the
Chief of Police could not explain it, and the Minister of Home Affairs knew
nothing about it! I can see it in your eyes,’ he said, leaning forward and
pointing an accusing finger at the congregation. ‘You thought that they were
evil men, and that they were lying!
‘Oh ye of little faith! Have you not considered that
they were struck dumb by the sight of a miracle! Was this not the angels of the
Lord descending on a sinner? The Great Shepherd descending on his flock! What
could mere mortals say about an Act of God! Theirs was the silence of the
‘When the Lord sends his Heavenly Police to descend
directly to deal with sinners, he does not need to inform the Chief of Police
or the Minister! Let alone the Magistrate! The Lord does not need a search
warrant! I refer you to the Word of God! I ask you, where is the Magistrate’s
Court in the Book of Genesis?
‘Do you think because the Heavenly Police found
nothing, then the raid was a waste of time? Think again! If the Lord visits you
tomorrow night and finds nothing, are you innocent? Instead of faith, he finds
nothing! Instead of belief, he finds nothing! Instead of blind loyalty, he
finds nothing! Then you are guilty! How then will you get to Heaven? Will you
not go to Hell?
‘So it was with Bululu Mwila. The Heavenly Police
searched his house all night and found nothing. Neither bible nor hymn book.
Neither prayer book nor liturgy. Neither rosary nor crucifix. Not even a
picture of Our Lord! The house of a fallen sinner!
‘Our Lord is a fisherman, and every night he must go
on his fishing expeditions. But before you scorn a fallen sinner, ask yourself
if you are ready to be visited by the Heavenly Fishermen.
He raised up his eyes, and addressed the stained glass
windows with fervour. ‘But for the righteous amongst us, the Lord is our
shepherd, and we are his sheep. We must follow him, and obey his every word. If
we have blind loyalty and faith, then we need not fear the Heavenly Police.
‘So that is my message to you today. Now all rise to
sing Psalm 23.’
As the organ struck the first note, we all burst into song
The Lord’s
my shepherd, I’ll not scream,
He makes
me down to lie;
On Nondo’s
swing he tortures me
quiet waters by.
My house
he doth invade again
And me
to walk doth make;
the threat of pointed gun
Even for
my Leader’s sake.
when I walk in death’s dark vale
Then I
shall fear much ill;
For he
is with me, and his rod
staff are meant to kill.
and terror all my life
surely follow me;
And in
Red Brick forevermore
dwelling place shall be.
Dark clouds scurried across the sky as Sara and I
hurried away from the church.
‘What do you think to the priest’s question?’ I asked.
‘Do you think God has really taken over?’
‘Difficult to say,’ she said. ‘Either God or the
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